Monday, November 7, 2016

Let us all press on...

Date: August 19, 2013 at 9:50:41 AM PDT

¡Hey familia!

How´s it going everyone? From what I´ve heard from Mom and Dad purty well. And Masey already has a year in the mission! Crazy stuff. It´s weird to think that I only have 18 months left too. Very weird...

But anyway, I´m being transferred tomorrow (Yay!) so that´s new. Too long in one place makes you go a bit crazy. Hopefully Elder Baez´s new companion will be able to quickstart this area. Especially if he´s a greenie - or rookie as President Bird likes to say. There´s always a bunch of success when new missionaries arrive. I´m not that worried about the transfer because it was what I wanted and we don´t have any progressing investigators, but here´s hoping that all will go well.

This week wasn´t too exciting. Not many cool stories or anything to share. Elder Baez and I got along as well as ever and we only had one problem with an hermana not being home to give us food. Yeah...

I did finish Jesus the Christ this Tuesday. I had been reading it as a part of Elder Holland´s challenge to live the life of Christ. It truly helped me understand the life of Christ more than I ever have before. It´s a truly beautiful book that everyone should read - ignoring some of the doctrine that has been superseded by modern revelation like Christ visiting spirit prison. I have many pages of notes of revelations that I received while reading the book and now I can say ¨I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior¨ with more assurity than I ever have before.

Also, I´m leaving my area for a district activity for the first time in the mission. We´re going to a park here called Parque Fundadora which is apparently real purty. We´ll see, and I´ll make sure to take some pictures since I know I´ve been slacking a bit on that end.

Oh and happy anniversary Mom and Dad! 21 years and counting. Thank you both for being such great parents to me and for holding this crazy family together. I truly am blessed to have the two greatest parents in the world showing me an example of a marriage that´s as perfect as it can be. I love you both and pray for you nightly.

And sorry for the short letter, but I don´t really have much to say. I´ll probably have much more interesting stuff and pictures next Monday. Love ya´ll and wish you the best. Obey Mom and Dad, study the scriptures, pray every day, and you´ll all be all right.

Love, Elder Brayden Decker

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