Monday, November 7, 2016

Fwd: A lot and not much

> Hola Familia!
> So I´ve been thinking about what to write about... and I´m not exactly sure. Here it goes.
> I had my first baptism this last Saturday! And I dropped him... Yup. I probably should have expected it. I didn´t have a firm grip on his back so he kinda fell. And then I slipped when I tried to pull him up. It was only a bit of a disaster. I was a little focused on making sure that he was really immersed and kind of forgot about holding his nose and everything. I told everyone that his baptism was more complete than others. Since his insides were immersed too. XD
> But yeah. It´s all good. They´re a great family and I should be around for their sealing in a year if they stay active and do all that they have to.
> Oh, we had our first day of exchanges today. I lost Elder Domon. He was part of my generation and I told ya´ll about him when I called. He had a bunch of medical issues so is flying home today. And with him goes my last little connection to America. It´s probably for the best. I also lost his companion Elder Reyes who I like quite a bit, but he´s still in the mission. Just not in my zone.
> Speaking of which, the missions are going to be pretty much created this week. Reynosa already has the Assistants to the President and Secretaries assigned. Now they just need their mission president. It´s official on July 1st. Then Larry Bird will be my mission president. He served in the Uruguay mission apparently, but he´s 56 years old so probably a while before your time over there, Dad.
> Also, Elder Diaz is the District Leader now. So I´ll be working a lot with the Zone Leaders. Yay... The new Senior Zone Leader Elder Audaz is a bit, well, audaz (bold). He and the old ZL have been on our case over having too many baptismal dates (weird, right?) but we had a little study session with them where I was pretty impressed by them.
> They told Elder Diaz that they expected me to train after I´m done being trained (yikes) so that gave me some motivation. I told Elder Diaz that my only real leadership aspiration was trainer, and apparently the news traveled up. I´m not exactly sure why they want me to train, but let´s hope it all works out. I want a padawan.
> One interesting experience to share: We said ¨buenas tardes¨ to a guy on the street to which he responded, ¨Buenas ta... no. NO. NOOOO!!!!¨ and ran away. He saw our name tags. It was funny.
> Hmm... That about sums it up. Thanks Kate and Shekynah for the letters! Sounds like ya´ll are having loads of fun back home. We don´t have breaks here so a little bit of jealousy there. Also Kate had to put that you guys are watching Iron Man 3 today. I already had to put up with Elder Domon saying ¨Man of Steel¨ about a million times. Nah. Just kidding. All´s good here.
> Love ya´ll and hope to have lots of fun, successful stories to share. Thanks for all the prayers!
> -Brayden (Elder Decker)

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